1936, 19 July
Enters Rostov State University in the Physics-Mathematics department.
1936, Summer
An unsuccessful attempt to enter the theatrical studio of Yu. Zavadskoy; enters on year-long English-language courses.
1936, 18 November
Decides to write the history of the Russian Revolution of 1917 as a novel.
1937, Summer
Bike trip on the Military-Georgian road; wrote sketches “Through the Caucasus on the ‘Ukraine”. Completed the English-language courses and received the translator diploma.
1937, Through the year
Collects material in city libraries on the First World War, writes the first chapters on the novel on the revolution.
1938, 15 July – 27 August
Travels through the Ukraine as a member of the student tourist group.
1939, 20 July
Accepted without exams as an external student in the cultural study department at MIFLI.
1939, 25 July – 27 August
Boat trip on the Volga
1939, May
Transfers to the correspondence section of the Literature department at MIFLI.
1941, 16 June
Graduates Rostov University with honors.
1941, 22 June
Heads for the summer session to Moscow; hears on the radio of the beginning of the war.